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Success Stories

Ramped Up 5 New Sales Reps in under 3 months

Computer Software

SalesPlaybook helped us with a clear and structured approach to build sales skills for our new team and saved us a lot of time.

SalesPlaybook is for companies who have a new challenge. So either you have a new team or you're looking for ways to structure your sales process. SalesPlaybook can help.
Guido Nuijten
Guido Nuijten
Head of Business Development

Working with SalesPlaybook

We worked with a lead coach (Alen) with regular sessions who identified the skills that needed to be taught to the team.

About Beekeeper

Beekeeper is transforming the way frontline businesses work. Their frontline operating system helps companies ditch paper and manual processes to improve employee engagement, retention, and performance.

Sales Challenges

We had hired a completely new BDR team. The challenge was to onboard them fast and to get them to start contributing to our quotas. Because it's impossible to individually coach all new team members.

How SalesPlaybook helped

With the help of Sales Playbook and Alan, we could ramp up our new sales reps much faster. They were trained on all the basic skills to get them ramped quickly and start contributing to our company.


We saved about 10 hours per month to ramp up our new sales team with great results.

Short Facts

Saved 10 hours per month ramping up sales reps.
Solved Challenges
Build World-Class Sales Team
1:1 Sales Coaching
High Intensity
Result in under 3 months
Mid Intensity
Result in under 3 months
Slow Intensity
Result in under 3 months
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