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Success Stories

Closing 250k ARR in under 6 months


I would absolutely recommend SalesPlaybook…it has been a really, really good service to use. And the help we got from everybody has helped our business to the next level and we’re really looking forward to continue our collaboration in the future.

Working with SalesPlaybook enabled us to work with a whole network of people who have a lot of experience in areas in which we don’t... lead generation, how to interact with procurement and more…It has been invaluable.
Neil Lonergan
Neil Lonergan

"It really enabled us to change how we position ourselves, so we were not just being used as a measuring stick to reduce costs for other suppliers, but to take control of the opportunity a lot more, out of which we closed a deal which was another 250’000 in revenue, adding a double-digit % to our existing ARR."

"In terms of  lead gen, Patrick…he has been an absolute goldmine to support us. And also Christoph – seeing things from the procurement and the sales side, having these insights was great."

Short Facts

Built lead gen
Defined ICP
Change negotiation approach
Solved Challenges
1:1 Sales Coaching
Pipeline Generation
High Intensity
Result in 6 months
Mid Intensity
Result in 6 months
Slow Intensity
Result in 6 months
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