B2B Sales
at Your Service

With SalesPlaybook you’ve the right expert at hand for every problem. Adding a lead coach to your side all the time.

Lead Coach

Alen Cerovina

Sales Leader
Lead Coach

Alexander Estner

Lead Coach

Ben Bauer

Sales Strategy
Lead Coach

Bisho Chamssuddin

Lead Coach

Christoph Schittny

Buyer Journey
Lead Coach

Clemens Immel

Customer Success
Lead Coach

Constantin Papadopoulos

Lead Coach

Dirk Schuran

Sales Recruiting
Lead Coach

Helmut Käser

Deal Closing
Lead Coach

Ibrahim Chebli

Cold Calling
Lead Coach

Jeffrey Tjiok

Lead Coach

Jens Quadbeck

Lead Gen
Lead Coach

Lanny Heiz

Lead Coach

Lars Mangelsdorf

Deal Closing
Lead Coach

Lea von Bidder

Leads and Deals
Lead Coach

Maddy Agrawal

Revenue Growth
Lead Coach

Martin Giese

Advisor & Investor
Lead Coach

Martin Wirz

Hardware Sales
Lead Coach

Matthias Alkier

Sales Operations
Lead Coach

Matthias Erhart

Sales Strategy
Lead Coach

Max Breckbill

Sales Recruiting
Lead Coach

Michael Proch

Public Tenders
Lead Coach

Patrick Trümpi

Sales Capabilities
Lead Coach

René Rather

Sales Lead
Lead Coach

Sebastian Wladyko

Sales Consultant
Lead Coach

Thibaut Souyris

Lead Engine
Lead Coach

Valentina Ricupero

Customer Experience
Lead Coach

Werner Decker

Partnerships & Referrals

What’s Your Biggest Sales Challenge Right Now?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to sales. Maybe you’ve even experienced this yourself! So stop procrastinating and start asking: What action can I take now? We’ll show you what to do and help you achieve your next sales milestones asap. SalesPlaybook tailors to your individual needs. Period.

Learn How to Master Them

Frequently Asked Questions About Masterminds

How do I become a SalesPlaybook Mastermind?
What credentials do your Masterminds have?
How will your Masterminds work with me?
Further Questions? Talk to Us